Older adults age at different rates and need different technology at various stages.
2025 scheduling underway.
Two November events highlight competitions and new firms. GuideWell Innnovation's Health+Accel event in Orlando concluded on November 3 with a pitch competition from "GuideWell Innovation CoRE. During the first four days, entrepreneurs obtained insight into the dynamic needs and relationships between insurers and providers, discover unique opportunities within the space and explore best practices from experienced industry leaders." And Aging 2.0's Optimize event this week in San Francisco offering "cutting edge content, networking and partnership opportunities to make this a high-value event for anyone interested in innovation and aging." Combing through the companies featured in each competition, here are examples of six startups that have not previously been mentioned on this site, some of which may not yet be available. The material is from the startups themselves:
And the Aging 2.0 winner was...
Unforgettable.org from London, offering:
"Unforgettable can help on every step of the dementia journey with practical advice, specialised products and a supportive community."