The gap between some older adults and the devices/software they need does not narrow. As AARP responders noted in their survey, tech products do not seem to be designed with them in mind. There are many indicators of this, but it was reinforced on a flight recently. An older woman nearby struggles to access Wi-Fi, which is, uh, not that obvious. After a while, even with help, she gave up and read a book. She was not unlike the responders aged 70+ in the AARP survey who did not believe that tech could enable a healthy life. So how can this gap be closed?
Home care is a labor-intensive business. And as everyone can see, labor is increasingly a scarce resource, likely to seem ever more scarce -- as the boomers age into their 80’s and beyond, their population outpacing the growth of the care workforce. While there are many articles that will describe the 'aging tsunami' and worrisome lack of workers to care for the oldest, few technology solutions have entered this market up to now. How can AI tools participate appropriately in home care and home healthcare? What are some of the circumstances that make this the right time to consider? And what are examples that indicate potential? Suggestions of offerings and interviewees are welcome.
Tech adoption for older adults is growing... The surveyed ubiquity of technology has led to a belief that it is everywhere it needs to be, with media assumptions about the benefit of smartphones and online tools, ownership of devices, or access to broadband speeds. The majority of older adults now own smartphones and smart TVs. Why? To access digital services. And, of course, to connect with families. But it is past time to make smartphone user interfaces more usable (accessible even) and make sure that if it’s the only phone an older adult owns, it supports sharing tools like FaceTime, text chatting, or YouTube.