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Five technology announcements from the 2015 White House Conference on Aging

WHCoA attracted buzz, hopeful announcements and new offerings.  This event was a follow-on to the previous every-decade White House Conferences on Aging -- the most recent of which was the 3-day 2005 White House Conference on Aging. That conference was developed in an economically hopeful time the US -- its focus was on the pending retirement of the baby boom generation. Today, the economy is not sizzling and since 60 is now the new 50, today many of those boomers have not yet retired. Or they've retired from -- or lost -- one job and are now starting a business. The 2005 conference was the first one that had an exhibit hall devoted to technology. This conference was less about a place and more about regional meetings viewings/discussions of the topics and this single day event.   However there were a number of tech-related announcements released in conjunction, including:

  • ABA Banks in Communities. "The American Bankers Association Foundation has announced the launch of a new interactive map – "Banks in their Communities" – which showcases corporate social responsibility programs from banks across the country. The map – featuring profiles from ABA’s Community Commitment Awards submissions – allows users to search and view bank Users will be able to search bank programs by state, category, bank asset size and keyword. The map will identify any program summaries submitted since the CCA’s inception in 2012 that match the user’s search criteria." To view the map, visit the Community Engagement Map.
  • "The Administration launched to provide older Americans, their families, friends, and other caregivers, a one-stop resource for government-wide information on helping older adults live independent and fulfilling lives.  The Web site links to a broad spectrum of Federal information, including how to find local services and resources in your community for everything from healthy aging to elder justice to long-term care, as well as how to find key information on vital programs such as Social Security and Medicare." Learn more at mobile-friendly
  • JoinHonor. The new Silicon Valley start-up "announced that Honor will be offering $1 million in free care across 10 cities in the United States and working with established care providing organizations in those communities to ensure this care goes to helping older Americans. Conversation is one thing, but action is an entirely different thing. Honor is taking action — and what better place to start than in our home community, the San Francisco Bay Area? We’re also announcing that we are now available across the entire Bay Area. This will be the first metro area to benefit from a portion of the $1 million in free care. We are proud of our roots in this dynamic, diverse community, and we’re excited to service our neighbors throughout the Bay Area."  Learn more at JoinHonor.
  • Philips AgingWell Hub.  Philips announced "the creation of the AgingWell Hub (AWH), a unique new collaborative research and development initiative for open innovation that will examine and share solutions for aging well. The initiative will identify new technologies, products and services, as well as provide thought leadership in collaboration with older adults, caregivers, healthcare systems, payers, policy makers, corporate innovators, entrepreneurs and academia.  The AWH will also seek solutions to improve technology adoption among older adults and make aging well a reality for more people, by enabling them to better connect with their community and healthcare providers." Learn more at
  • UberAssist. "The $18 billion company is expanding offerings by launching a new pilot program for community-based senior outreach, which will involve senior living communities in select areas, Meghan Joyce, regional general manager for Uber East Coast, announced Monday at the White House Conference on Aging. Across the country, Uber will offer free technology tutorials and free rides at select retirement communities and senior centers. The company hopes to further the conversation about the way technology can improve older adults’ day-to-day lives, according to a blog post announcing the new pilot." Learn more at UberAssist.


I'm so tired of seeing the Eldercare Locator touted as an actual resource for finding care. It is extremely hard to use and generates -- at best -- a long, long list of resources. Fine for professionals. Not so fine for consumers. We still have a long way to go in helping consumers sift through content. And, is it just me or is a broken link?! All of the online materials direct caregivers to resources using this URL which takes you to an error page.

Anne Tumlinson

Anne, you are right! The link is broken and "page not found"

Vadim Cherdak, PhD

Anne, yes, I have been hard-pressed to find resources that are helpful, updated and working. It is frustrating as I work in health policy and have struggled to find good resources for my own parents.

Deborah Crandall, J.D., PhD (c)

I agree with statements concerning the ineffectiveness of resources offered by Government sector. I highly recommend the following website that is owned by a fellow LinkedIn Professional and Member, Denise Brown.

Mary Van Everbroeck


Mary and Deborah -- Yes! This is the problem. Government resource links are ineffective and even other great resources like Denise's get overlooked when caregivers don't know they are, in fact, caregivers. I am addressing this in my blog next week and am calling out as one of the good ones. You can check it out on But, the one problem that neither Denise nor I have solved is how to get that list of 66 home care agencies that pop out of the home care finder down to 4 or 5 (I wrote about this last week). Interested in people's thoughts.

Anne Tumlinson
