Older adults age at different rates and need different technology at various stages.
2025 scheduling underway.
Different year, same dream, more hope. Connected Health Symposium in Boston sponsored by Partners Health Care had more than 1000 attendees and an optimistic tone following this past year's congressional investments in health care reform pilot programs that may include the use of telehealth-type technologies. If you were a new attendee with a pesky chronic condition, perhaps you would have been alarmed at the continuing (from previous years) discussions about what to do about you: 'nudge' via incentives or penalties toward healthier behaviors, overcome your underwhelming (10%) nationwide sign-up for personal health records, devise new ways to 'amp up' your compliance with doctor-prescribed regimens, argue whether your favorite social networks will get you to do what the doctor can't -- and above all, get your active participation in harnessing the ballooning cost of care. Lots of talk about payment reform from today's transactional and confounding fee for service to (deep breath): 'outcome-driven, quality-based, global payments through accountable care organizations.' I think that means charge less, pay less, get less of what today costs too much for too little in the way of results:
Notable vendors will be covered in the 2 of 2 post.
I was sad to miss this
I was sad to miss this conference - it sounded like it
was going to be great - and the speaker line-up was impressive and interesting!
Thanks for the synopsis - I always enjoy reading your posts and thoughtful commentary!
Thanks Laurie!
Laura @ GrandCare Systems