Older adults age at different rates and need different technology at various stages.
2025 scheduling underway.
Boomers everywhere. So there were 22,000+ attendees average age 62.8, according to AARP. They slogged around the mammouth Orange County Convention Center, stopping by exhibits only when they weren't a mile away (same building) listening to the likes of Whoopi Goldberg, Larry King, Rob Reiner, Cesar Milan, Dave Barry, and Newt Gingrich. No question -- AARP puts on a great party.
Lots of tech exhibits. Some new vendors, in particular, described the equivalent of a floor-based focus group -- explaining, demo'ing, getting feedback, perhaps from the target market buyer/influencer about the needs of the target user (the buyer's parents in many cases). A few vendors described situations where the baby boomer attendee even returned to the booth with her mother to learn more. A quick snapshot of new offerings:
In addition, AgeTek vendors were present and their execs were accounted for in an AgeTek product overview panel presented on Saturday, including Dakim, PositScience, BeClose, GrandCare Systems, and eCare Diary.
And finally, the big guns -- gigantic HP and Dell areas for looking at the latest laptops, large booths for Sprint and Hamilton CapTel captioned telephone service for hearing-impaired, a United Healthcare truck with Cisco's telepresence remote consultation, a super-sized Symantec truck, a giant NASA exhibit area with what looked like half of a space ship, and on-and-on-and-on.
And that was just the tech pavilion. :)
The AARP Orlando@50+ event presentations and sessions will be viewable on AARP's website for the next six months -- check it out at AARP's Digital Event website.