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Help Yelp serve families with information about nursing homes
Consider CMS Five Star Rating system and how it ‘serves’ families. Rant on. No doubt you know someone who was baffled at how a terrible nursing home gets a 4 or 5 star rating from CMS’s Five Star Rating System, while a good one can appear to have a lower rating, applied from an inspection before management overhaul several years earlier. Why, you ask? Indeed. Others have asked as well – noting the obvious missing link, family satisfaction with the nursing home, including dealing with the staff. For starters. Retiring outdated information, next.
What’s a consumer to do? Well, for review of data accuracy, you can forget about Caring.com – in which you see a review of one facility yet find a different one discussed in the content. No oversight of this section, which by now, 11 years after its founding, could have become an enormously valuable resource. Let’s say a nursing home is known to be a real ‘pit’ and the lowest of the low -- as a friend notes who from the non-profit that takes complaints about nursing homes. Let’s check that rating from CMS Nursing Home Compare – 4 star, you see. Bummer. And you can forget about rating -- aka marketing -- sites that ask for your email address and phone number before letting you see the ratings, including, but not limited to A Place for Mom.
Over at Yelp – it is all about feedback. As with restaurant reviews, what you say about a nursing home is as important as the other particulars about it. USC researchers looked at Yelp reviews – and noted that the intangibles matter to families (study published in Gerontologist). No kidding. And that what Nursing Home Compare measures may be necessary, but not sufficient. And without seeking updates and culling of rusting assessments, Nursing Home Compare may be worse than useless. Desperate family members, trying to find a place for parents that were ejected from assisted living, are stuck with a federally-funded repository filled with data, but no information.
How can Yelp be enriched with more reviews? Why should an $8000+ per month nursing home have less online feedback than a pizza restaurant? Consider the pain and rage in reviews when families and loved ones have a bad experience – where is that in Nursing Home Compare? See for yourself – a randomly selected nursing home in Queens called The Grand has a five star rating from CMS. Now read the 20 reviews from Yelp. You, your family, your clients, know of a nursing home (or other senior care provider), of course, that is at one end of the scale or the other. Help Yelp – write a review – and no need to put in your phone number! Rant off.
From Denise Graab at Caring.com
The fact is: We have extensive oversight of the consumer reviews on our site including having humans (not algorithms) read and evaluate every review against the review guidelines before it's published. There are more than 200,000 senior living and home care reviews published on Caring.com right now, and the vast majority of those reviews are from individuals (family caregivers and older adults) we helped through our senior care referral services (reviews collected by phone follow up and transcribed from those phone conversations, with opt in by the consumer to have the comments published on our site). Additionally, every year and periodically in between, I personally do audits of reviews on listings for our annual Caring Stars award program based on consumer reviews. We take the integrity of our reviews program very seriously.
Fact-based error in this article
The above comment sourced to me was actually a copy/paste excerpt created by Laurie Orlov after I followed up with her about the factual inaccuracy in her post (to say that Caring.com has "no oversight" of its reviews program is entirely false and in context of the whole paragraph, seemingly libelous). When/if anyone who sees an error in any review on Caring.com at any time, please do contact our reviews team: community@caring.com or (650) 762-8190. We aren't interested in having erroneous information on our website, and appreciate folks directly contacting us with any issues or errors they see (in the spirit of supporting senior care searchers online). Thanks!
Concern about elderly health
Useful. I for one do reviews of surveys on postings for our yearly Caring Stars grant program dependent on shopper audits. We take the honesty of our surveys program truly. Coincidentally, a debt of gratitude is in order for an offer. You know, I'm very much concern about elderly health.
Serious question
"Why should an $8000+ per month nursing home have less online feedback than a pizza restaurant?" - Now this is a legit question.