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Four recent technology innovations from outside the US
Not made in the USA. Over the years, Google alerts have both helped find technologies that would be useful to older adults -- and because this site has focused largely on US companies and initiatives, those same alerts sometimes seem to be all about happenings in upstate New York or new initiatives in New Jersey. So here is an attempt to start a conversation about great ideas for technology innovations from outside the US that can be helpful to seniors. Emphasis is 'start' -- and additions are welcome.
Rally Round from the UK. "Rally Round is an online service that makes it easy for family members and friends to co-ordinate how they all help out a loved one who wants to stay living independently in their own home. Everyone invited to help can easily see what jobs need doing, who has agreed to do what and what jobs have already been done and by whom. As well as the Rally Round web application there is an iPhone app. You don't have to have the iPhone app but you may find it more convenient to use." Learn more at Rally Round.
Good Robot from Canada. "We’re helping seniors before an incident or emergency occurs. Good Robot makes a low-cost system that automates and monitors a senior’s residence in order to support their independence, and provide peace of mind for caregivers. Good Robot uses technology to monitor openings of home refrigerators, external doors and medicine cabinets, sensors to turn on lights to prevent falls, motion, and more. For as little as $30 a month, Good Robot has several products that allow caregivers to stay in touch remotely, check on status, and ensure the well-being of seniors at home, as well as other products such as automated lighting systems based on motion detectors." Learn more at goodrobot.
Mollii from Sweden. "Mollii (formerly Elektrodress) is a new, long-awaited, neurorehabilitation concept. It provides tailored rehabilitation in the form of a garment with electrotherapy programmed according to the individual’s requirements. Mollii is an assistive device that people with spasticity or other forms of motor disability can use in their home environment. It can help to reduce undesired reflexes and stiffness, thus enabling an improved range of motion and functional ability. Mollii can be used by people with neurological diseases such as cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, acquired brain damage, spinal injury, Parkinson’s Disease and stroke." Learn more at Inerventions AB.
SEM™Glove from Sweden. "Based on a revolutionary, patented muscle strengthening SEM™ (Soft Extra Muscles) technology, invented jointly by professors at Royal Institute of Technology and professors from Karolinska Institute. Bioservo Technologies develops non-invasive products that strengthen weak human body parts by providing seamless extra force. The innovative SEM™Glove improves grip strength and reduces muscle strain for people with weak grip, and/or are performing grip-intensive work". Learn more at Bioserve Technologies AB.
Thanks for mentioning Rally Round
Hi Laurie,
Just a quick note to say many thanks for mentioning Rally Round. Hopefully people will find the service of use.
Best wishes