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Four factors underpin AI potential in health and home care

The US population is aging and will be needing more care. You read it every day in the popular press – the bad news about the 65+ and their future care burden and the good news about the 65+ and their wealth (22% of US spending in 2022). Even with wealth, older adults at some point in their lives will need some level of assistance. While professional care providers will play a key role, increasingly their work will be augmented by software -- apps, machine learning and conversational AI. Why?

  • Healthcare delivery is migrating away from hospitals. As care delivery and consumer expectations change, the traditional fee-for-service model has already morphed into the new era of health-care consumerism – a patient-organized mix of self-care, urgent care, and in-home care.  The last-ditch choices will be emergency room visit or long wait for a doctor visit.   Consider changes that have taken place in recent years that will drive growth in apps for self-care.

[Stay tuned for new report next month, AI and the Future of Care Work]


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