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Five new technologies for older adults October 2019
Announcements of new offerings are arriving – will they/can they be used? Hopefully these 5 will offer benefit that can and will be realized by older adults. Writers of these 2019 articles about the topic are not so sure that new technologies for this population may not be reaching their intended audience. That can be due to a variety of barriers, including fear that they are not using them properly (UCSD study), lack of internet access (which would limit awareness), low technology literacy (TechCrunch), including lack of familiarity with terminology, and physical challenges (research from MPDI). Here are five new technologies that could provide benefit to older adults – content is from the companies:
Clocr. “Launch of secure, cloud-based service to provide a better option for people to store and share important documents.Clocr is hosted in the cloud, so users can trust that their information is encrypted and preserved with access only given to contacts and guardians approved by the account holder. The proprietary ultra-security service provides more layers of security than anyone else in the industry. Clocr is the best choice for secure storage and disbursement of wills, medical proxies, account logins and passwords, financial records, and more.” Learn more at Clocr.
HandsFree Health. “HandsFree Health combines WellBe's unique virtual assistant with capabilities from industry-leading health and technology companies including Microsoft, Healthwise, Cerner, and PokitDot. The HandsFree Health executive team brings more than 150 years of healthcare experience to make managing health more convenient for consumers, employers, health plans and hospital systems.” Learn more at HandsFree Health.
eTagz. “Each tag contains a unique QR code and matching alphanumeric code. If the worst happens and you are involved in an accident and are incapacitated, first responders, who are trained to look for ETAGZ tags, can scan the QR code on your tag using their smartphone or tablet and your MEDWALL which has your Emergency Contact Information displayed giving them the information they need to make faster and better medical decisions and to promptly contact your loved ones.” Our tags speak for you when you cannot.” Learn more at eTagz.
Navigil. “Navigil, a specialist in white label telecare and personal safety solutions, has unveiled the Navigil Suite that consists of Navigil 580 wellbeing wristwatch and Navigil Service. The solution is powered by the latest mobile communication technology and artificial intelligence. It supports active aging persons who want to secure a long independent life while taking into account the concerns of their closest ones.” Learn more at Navigil.
Silent Beacon. “The Silent Beacon personal panic button is made for people who are able to enjoy life and wish to have added protection in case something unforeseen was to occur. Call and alert your loved ones and 911 when faced with an emergency.” Learn more at Silent Beacon.
Thanks, Laurie. Very insightful