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Five new Technologies for Aging in Place: July-August, 2014

New, newer, and newest startups to help older adults. Typically it has made sense on this site to not discuss companies until they are in the market, in production, with customers and funding.  But crowdfunding has changed that paradigm. Some startups chose to surface through crowd-sourcing campaigns, gaining visibility and ideally some funding. If all goes well,  they gain some funding, credibility and even bug-fixes. And as one executive from Lively observed prior to its launch, they get feet on the street and customers.  In this post, check out a few of these companies that have launched or recently moved onto media and funding notifications. As always, press releases -- with actual text! -- might help, as do notifications through Indigogo, Kickstarter or other funders. One more thing If any new, newer, or newest startups plan to be at the AARP Ideas @50+ event in San Diego in 2 weeks, let's get together!

CarePredict. "In the process of raising money, Tempo, by CarePredict, is a wristband tracker that doubles as a watch and logs the daily activities of its users. The product is currently looking for backers on crowdsourcing website Fundable, where it's listed for $US169. Tempo looks to identify early warning signs of health issues that usually begin as changes in normal behavior patterns and even factors in activities like cooking, tooth brushing and eating to paint a better picture of the wearer's mental health. For example, if somebody is engaging in their favorite activity (like making dinner) less and less over a few days, it may indicate they are entering a depressive state. And if the user brushes their teeth several times a day, it could point to a progressive loss of short-term memory." Learn more through Fundable about CarePredict.

Evermind. "Evermind, a breakthrough technology on-sale to the general public today at, is an affordable, cutting-edge tool that enables seniors and others who live alone or need extra support to maintain an independent lifestyle, while providing them and their family members with peace of mind. Evermind’s unique, unobtrusive design uses three sensors to monitor small electrical appliances. Using built-in wireless Internet, family members can then receive text messages or email notifications when an appliance is used or not used within a specific time period – primarily when changes in a daily routine could be cause for concern. For example, if an aging grandmother doesn’t turn on the evening news, her grandson will be notified via text and can check on her." Learn more at

Mango Health. "This phone app includes daily reminders to take drugs at different points. Patients can self-report that they’ve stayed on schedule by taking photos of their drug containers. The more they stay on track, the more rewards they get. Mango Health is working with a number of unnamed brands right now to offer users rewards like magazine subscriptions, discounts on groceries and gift cards. The model resembles offer walls in social games, where users can get virtual currency for signing up for different services or products. Naturally, this lends itself to a business that earns revenue by generating leads for other companies that are interesting marketing or reaching out to people who are concerned about health." Learn more at TechCrunch.

Playtabase. "Fun and meaningful rarely join forces, but at Playtabase™ we focus on blending them to solve real problems that affect your life. We care about the problems you face every day.  We want to hear about any ideas you or others have to solve them. We are a community dedicated to welcoming everyone in the process of constructing our next fun solution. Playtabase™ was founded in 2012 by University of Minnesota students with one guiding purpose, create “fun and meaningful solutions to reinvent your world.” After CEO Muhammad Abdurrahman witnessed his father struggle with a debilitating stroke, he was inspired to create Reemo™ to assist his father with day-to-day tasks.  Today, Reemo™ technology is applicable to a broad range of applications." Learn more at

Sync. "ActvContent Sync is the first all-in-one health, safety, and fitness Smartband for kids and adults. Sync can monitor your family's fitness, sleeping habits, and your loved one's location. Our app also lets friends, caregivers, and others in your community to connect with Sync and retrieve vital information in case of emergency. We have completely integrated Sync with our device management My Sync portal. My Sync allows you to manage each family member's fitness and sleep activity and stores health and emergency information all in one place." Learn more at Indiegogo.


Make that 6: Philips has launched its first-ever app that acts like an mPERS.
