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Five New Technologies for Aging in Place – Jan-Feb 2014
The start of a new year -- it extends past CES! Let's remind ourselves -- press releases matter. As you know by now, becoming quiet about a firm's products and offerings is bad business practice – silence is assumed to be a bad sign – and the aging dates of content on websites is even worse. That’s because the technology market waits for no man – or woman. And to their PR credit, tech companies get that. So in the past few months new versions and offerings of technology solutions have been swept up in press releases on this site – perhaps missed by readers, so here they are, extracted into a single blog post. As has been the case previously, all of the text is extracted from the announcements by the technology firms themselves.
EarlySense launches new Bed Exit Safety Solution. "The motion-based Safety Solution by EarlySense enables a caregiver to tailor a specific bed exit sensitivity level based on a fall risk assessment, obtained at the beginning of the patient’s hospital stay. Immediate alerts based on a patient’s status can be transmitted to handheld devices and remote displays, in an effort to bring actionable information to the caregivers, who can respond in a manner that has shown to reduce adverse events, such as falls. The flexible setting with additional analysis capabilities allows the caregiver to know that a patient is likely to leave bed well before that has taken place, empowering the nurse to effectively prevent and not just report a patient fall." Learn more at EarlySense.
Essence Group launches solution for Care@HomeTM. "The solution consists of a control panel, a set of wireless, easy-to-install devices, and mobile and web apps -- all backed by a unique smart algorithm, an analytics engine, and cloud technology. The system continuously learns a person’s everyday routine, creates a personal pattern and detects any deviations, such as skipped meals, reduced activity or unusual events. The system automatically sends alerts based on severity level to the healthcare provider and family members through intuitive apps, allowing them to act immediately. Safety events like fire and water leakage are monitored as well, adding another layer of protection." Learn more at Essence Group.
GrandCare partners with Toshiba on tablet-based system. "The GrandCare System is connected to any dedicated Internet connection and communicates with wireless sensors throughout a residence, delivering information on secure, high-performance Toshiba tablets. Designated caregivers log into the GrandCare website to send communications to loved ones, view activity graphs, access digital health and medication information, and customize automated rules and alerts. A caregiver may choose to receive a call, email, or text message if specified conditions occur, such as medications not being accessed, unusual motion throughout the home or other designated events. GrandCare’s simple touch platform also enables a resident to view news and weather reports, shared pictures and videos, receive incoming messages, video chat with family, listen to music and play fun games." Learn more at Toshiba Healthcare.
Independa launches Friends and Family setup. “This version of its award-winning Enterprise solution for remote care is specifically designed for the high-paced environment of short term rehab communities who are emerging as key players in transitional care delivery. Friends and Family offers care facilities and organizations a fast and convenient plug n' play version of the integrated Independa platform. Independa Friends and Family sets up in less than 2 minutes and offers turnkey social connectivity between rehab residents and their family and friends. Video chat, photo-sharing, Gmail, and Facebook produce instant, effortless yet powerful connectivity to an individual's circle of care, and importantly expands the universe of social engagement available to care recipients during their short stay. All of this is delivered through an Independa-embedded LG Electronics HD TV in a cost effective subscription model, branded for each Enterprise.” Learn more at Independa.
Linear announces new Cellular Module. "With the Cellular Module, PERS-4200 users cut landline cords and communicate solely through cellular service, or keep the landline and have 3G wireless connectivity as a PERS system backup. Data and two-way voice communications are available from the plug-in module that installs easily in the PERS-4200 console's data port. Linear's RSM Remote Speaker/Microphone Module is designed for use in the bathroom, laundry room, second floor, basement, or anywhere within range of the main PERS-4200 console; extending two-way voice communication without the need for additional, more expensive consoles. Users press the button on their PERS transmitter to talk with a central station operator via the RSM's speakerphone during an emergency." Learn more at Linear Corporation.