The oldest baby boomers turn 80 in less than a year, and the senior housing market is moving from glut to shortage.
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Connected Care -- Changing the home care work process with technology
A vision for 'connected care.' This was conceived by Andrea Cohen, Founder and Vice-Chair of HouseWorks, a home care company started in Boston. Andrea noted, "When employed to its fullest, remote care technology improves every aspect of how care is delivered in the home. Imagine what's possible when every stakeholder wins." The vision: Change the work process to produce Engaged Caregivers, a Connected Care Team, and Informed Families. Why does this matter now? The home care industry is enormously challenged today -- soaring demand, labor shortages and worker (and client) retention challenges. At the same time, a vulnerable older adult population lacks adequate care in many parts of the country, sometimes due to wage issues, but more often due to the overall fierce competition for workers across industries. Yet the home care industry can attract those who care about older adults and provide them with improved working conditions that underpin their tasks with technology that improves efficiency and care effectiveness. [See report The Future of Remote Care Technology and Older Adults, where this graphic first appeared.]
Review paper logs after getting to home | View digital activity log before getting to home |
Multiple calls to the case manager to inquire about care plan changes | View required new tasks entered in the digital activity log real time |
Piecing it all together | Prepared |
Drive to client's home to pick up and review paper logs | View electronic daily and weekly records. Notice trends. |
Check emails and voicemails; sift through scattered notes | Download electronic dated and time-stamped notes |
Make multiple calls | Reach out via mobile app communication portal |
Reactive, slower response | Real-time information, trends over time, fast response |
A different story from the parent, the Caregiver and the agency. | One digital log that tracks everything. |
Mom's getting worse, but my brother refuses to see it. | Changes monitored in the mobile app |
Doctor visits are short. We catch up with little time to dive into what's REALLY important | Doctor receives report ahead of visit that includes vitals, mood and changes in condition. |
Decisions based on emotion, not fact | Data driven, intentional decision-making. |
From Stephen Farber -- HealthHive
Good morning. I read your newest blog posting last night and just contacted Andrea Cohen, as her vision is precisely what we (HealthHive) are building. We have started with SNF discharge, and we are now integrating home health. Thanks so much for highlighting Andrea.
From Kathy Peters via LinkedIn
Thank you Laurie Orlov for sharing this, Andrea Cohen this is spot on and exactly what we are addressing with the iCarenetwork platform…streamlined communication and automated workflows to connect all stakeholders be it a homecare client, home healthcare, hospice patient or assisted living resident.
The time is now for connected care, engaged caregivers and informed families!