Lifelong partners grapple with how and whether to stay together when one can’t care for the other.
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Technology & Aging Coalition of San Diego county's website provides a variety of techy gift suggestions in various price ranges.
Two days of training, in one-hour sessions, with difficult stimuli resulted in older subjects seeing as well as younger college-age subjects.
Able to measure human behaviors when we interact with objects, whether it’s getting on your bike or using your toothbrush.
Among 75-year-olds, music, multi-tasking, exercise combined helped participants reduce falls.
South Korea's multi-generational programs launched to cope with growing population with dementia.
Endorses that one should begin planning the discharge upon admission.
5 tech opportunities for the CE (Custom Electronics) industry in 2011 -- include home video conferencing and aging in place.
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Pew Research surveys low adoption (4% overall, 8% of the 18-29 age group) of location-based services (LBS).
NY Times: New AT&T ForHealth practice Accelerates pursuit of $34 billion healthcare I.T. market with suite of industry solutions.
Inc: GrandCare Systems took its time to understand the market and expects to become profitable this year.
Of course (per Mobile Health News) only 20% of Americans have smart phones and only 9 percent of Americans have health-apps.
Review(s) of the Kinect system (XBox) which responds to voice commands -- perhaps more than a game for seniors?