Lifelong partners grapple with how and whether to stay together when one can’t care for the other.
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Healthsense: Using technology can help retain residents in a community or in a certain level of care, rather than lose them to a more acute setting.
Startups offer low-cost sound amplification that threatens hearing aid industry.
Software for iPad or Android tablet - users communicate with each other via an animated brown dog named Buddy.
Of course, that same app can be tailored to alert others when trouble looms.
Brody: seniors may be missing out on a lot of e-health opportunities.
Meet entrepreneurs pioneering new products and services--or improving existing ones--for the fast-growing senior market.
Plans include postponing 3-5 years.
Quantifying the value of keeping a senior in town, the selectmen launch a telehealth program.
The potential market is vast, investors in the sector face cultural, as well as financial and administrative, barriers.
Bill Novelli: If we act now, we can actually create a world where aging is a boon and not a burden.
New car technology that will make the most safety difference.
It had to happen -- the FTC just discovered online search tools for senior care (housing and home care).
Poorly titled article is about smart phone data usage usurping budgets for food, restaurants, clothes.
In 2010 Healthsense funded and participated in a study of savings that Healthsense technology.
The EMR system is implemented -- let the gaming begin.
Charlie Hillman of GrandCare Systems named one of the finalists!
Life expectancy shrank most for low-income white women.
Continuing care (CCRC) without walls -- in your own home.
Okay -- we have robots, dropping in price, that can deal blackjack hands. Maybe fold laundry and table napkins in senior housing?
Couldn't have said it better -- don't plan for tech today, plan for change.
Speak to that market segment that controls $3.5 trillion in consumer spending -- Life@50+.
If home building were like health care, carpenters, electricians, and plumbers each would work with different blueprints.