Fast Company interviewed older adults aged 70+ about their thoughts on possible robots in their homes.
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Summary of technologies that could improve quality of life as people age.
Technologies that support quality of life–health, culture, and leisure–for older adults.
Protecting open space. Aging in place. Transit-centered development.
Uniformed doormen and lush landscaped gardens, but they'll also incorporate special features for the elderly and memory impaired.
Internet of Things, and how they relate to the Age-in-Place movement.
ACT@Home, a virtual assistant designed to help people living with Alzheimer’s disease.
By 2025, recruit five million students, young professionals to work with older adults.
65+ population's healthcare is considered as a single age group, whether 70 or 90.
Knowing where to get help that won’t run out of patience.
The impact of isolation is severe. Don’t underestimate it.
An early market -- do people really need a VUI (Voice User Interface)?
Services via monthly subscription, including wearable fall detection device.
Leverages newer, lower cost technology for hearing-impaired individuals.
The conundrum of high investments and low returns in the near term.
TRI is on a mission to use artificial intelligence to improve the quality of human life.
In-home assessment with families to design the right array of monitors and devices.
The status (or non-progress) of non-recognition of ‘aging-consumer-driven healthcare.'
A nurse killed at least eight nursing-home residents and attempted to kill at least six others.
“When you only have text and images in small bursts, you need to make sure every word counts.”
Cosmetics shop with older staff and clientele is sign of the times for an aging workforce.