The oldest baby boomers turn 80 in less than a year, and the senior housing market is moving from glut to shortage.
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A volunteer program to contact homebound seniors daily.
GE now owns Living Independently Group's wireless technology that tracks seniors' daily activities.
A study shows that there is a correlation between exercise in the day and ability to sleep at night.
Matching service for volunteer senior companions in the San Francisco Bay area.
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To age in place, Ken Dychtwald recommends getting long-term care insurance 40's and 50's.
This device is designed to scan printed text and read it aloud to users - $1499.
Research about centenarians. Will Clark, now 105, just acquired his first computer, which he uses to email friends and to research authors and golfers in which he’s interested.
CEO Gerard Kleisterlee: "where we have our place and where we are investing and focusing: things like remote monitoring and technologies that help to cure or to monitor and manage these diseases."
Idea House at AAHSA (Nov 8-11 in Chicago) has contributions from 25 companies, 90% of the products available now.