The oldest baby boomers turn 80 in less than a year, and the senior housing market is moving from glut to shortage.
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In five years, the first of 77-million Baby Boomers will reach age 80 -- and need for their care grows.
Devices and website design aren’t always created with this population in mind.
Older adults may find searching by speaking easier than typing...
And maybe start including them in research.
Adding reminders and refill requests. For now.
Is tech trend a challenge to builders of living facilities for seniors?
The number of caregivers in job market won't keep pace with those needing care.
New tech tools can help those who are aging.
Designing products that take into consideration the needs of the senior population.
Baby Boomers have immense buying power, and Silicon Valley is taking notice.
Allscripts is working on an EHR that is AI and cloud-based and voice-enabled.
Including investment from Pivotal Ventures, a company started by Melinda Gates.
One in seven people over 50 said their providers offered care via telehealth.
Adding analytics and services to help seniors age in place.