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Every year, falls among older Americans result in about 3.6 million ER visits and 1.2 million hospital stays, costing roughly $80 billion. 


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Wired for Care: The New Face of Caregiving in America

A new study released today by Cambia Health Solutions titled, “Wired for Care: The New Face of Caregiving in America,” redefines the modern caregiver by exploring how caregiving responsibilities co-exist with personal and professional duties and desires.

Key Findings on Today’s Caregivers and Care Recipients:

  • Nearly a quarter (24%) of caregivers provide care for both a child (under the age of 18) and an adult (over the age of 18), and nearly one-in-five (19%) have both child and adult care recipients living in their homes

    • 51% of care recipients are under 18, while only 16% are over the age of 65

    • 14% are between the ages of 18 and 34 and 19% are between the ages of 35 and 64

  • Half (53%) of care recipients need care due to health conditions, specifically:

    • 21% due to an ongoing chronic or long-term medical condition

    • 21% due to an emotional, behavioral or mental health condition

    • 11% due to a short-term illness or medical condition

    • 47% of caregivers who spend 41-80 hours on caregiving responsibilities a week stated they would be interested in using digital health tools to help manage their stress and emotional challenges

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Wednesday, February 12, 2020


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