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Silverline looks to raise US$50K through Indiegogo to launch its senior friendly suite of apps

In collaboration with SingTel, Silverline is offering a suite of apps specially created to serve seniors. The premise is simple: when you sign a contract with a phone company they heavily subsidize the cost of your new smartphone. For the next 18 to 24 months you have the latest and greatest smartphone in your pocket. But what excites you today might not be so exciting 24 months from now as smartphone manufacturers are advancing these technologies at breakneck speed.

While the technology may seem outdated to you, they are brand new to those who have never used a smartphone. So when you come in to sign a new contract, you will be offered the opportunity to gift your existing smartphone to a senior member of the community who is without any family support or access to such technology. Silverline provides a suite of apps that are made specifically to meet the needs of these seniors as well as a subsidized data plan made available through your mobile carrier.

“Silverline is a project we brought to SingTel. They have partnered with us as part of their CSR initiative to help isolated and disenfranchised seniors in Singapore. Through local charities focused on Seniors, Lion’s Befrienders and Willing Hearts, have distributed the phones donated by SingTel customers with the Silverline apps on them. While this project is ongoing, we want to bring it to a wider audience, not just for the underserved, but to all seniors, both in Singapore and beyond.”

The Silverline suite of apps will be offered through refurbished second hand-devices with its senior-friendly apps installed. The team has taken into account the issues with poor vision that many seniors experience, and have ensured that the app user friendly to seniors. Some of the features of the Silverline apps include:

  • DISCOVER allows users to snap pictures of where they are or interesting things they see and documents them in a time orientated photo album
  • WELL BEING provides simple reminders for taking medicine, drinking water and doing exercise.
  • INSPIRE features daily headlines and human interest stories delivered in text, picture and video formats.
  • CONNECT presents the contact list in a user-friendly and visual format.

To launch the product, Silverline is also running an Indiegogo campaign and is now calling out for backers. If you believe in the team’s vision, they are currently raising US$50,000 through the crowdfunding campaign.

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Monday, April 8, 2013


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