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Proximity Button: Young entrepreneur launches crowdfunding campaign
Natalie Price, aged 25, was inspired to create a device that
would keep people living with dementia safer after having watched her own mother
care for people with dementia for over 15 years. Today she launched an Indiegogo
campaign to crowdfund enough to manufacture the device. The Proximity Button,
the first of its kind in the dementia market, uses innovative technology to provide
carers with an affordable solution to protect people living with dementia from
wandering. The smart Button sensor, worn by a person with dementia, connects to a
carer’s iPhone or Android device and alerts them when the wearer wanders too far.
The Proximity Button is not a tracking device, and therefore does not rely on
expensive technology.
James Ashwell, Founder of, an online marketplace of products and
services for dementia and memory loss commented, “There are a few tracking
products available in the market, but they use expensive technology. I’m excited
about Proximity because it’s unlike other products out there; it’s a simple solution to
help keep people safer at a much more affordable price point.”
Dementia affects 850,000 people in the UK and more than 60% of these people
wander off and away from their carer. If they’re not found within 24 hours, up to
half of individuals end up seriously injured and in some instances have a fatal
accident. Dementia is actually caused by diseases; Alzheimer’s disease is the biggest
cause of dementia. The disease physically attacks the brain, gradually destroying it,
to the extent that people with dementia won’t be able to remember familiar faces. 1
Natalie said, “I believe that everyone should be able to protect the people they care
about the most. We approached the product and user experience of Proximity with
the following principles in mind: simplicity, discretion and affordability.”
Natalie has a working prototype that has been tested and proven successful. Once
the crowdfunding campaign is complete, Natalie estimates that the product launch
will be in September 2016.
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For further information please contact:
Natalie Price