Older adults age at different rates and need different technology at various stages.
2025 scheduling underway.
For those interested in technology for aging in place, the 2008 AARP Healthy@Home Survey by Linda Barrett, Ph.D, of AARP Knowledge Management, is a remarkable resource and should be carefully studied - I have only begun to absorb some of the key points in it and will return to this again many times. Technology categories include use of a personal computer; home safety devices, including activity monitoring and fall sensors; and personal health and wellness devices, including electronic pill boxes and medication monitors; and telepharmacy. Eighty-seven percent indicated if they needed help caring for themselves they would prefer help provided in their current home -- and would be willing to give up some of their privacy to stay there. Okay -- that's a big item.
Methodology. About the data: Knowledge Networks did a survey in December, 2007 of 907 adults age 65+ (segmented into 65-74 and 75-84 age brackets) and 1023 caregivers between the ages of 45-75 years. Responders were part of a 'national household panel' maintained by Knowledge Networks, and included those without Internet access -- these individuals were provided with a 'web-device' to provide answers.
Here are a few highlights -- your feedback welcome!
Preliminary thoughts. From this study, I would conclude (in no particular order):
Educating seniors about aging in place technologies
I think we need to focus on this question: Technology for what?
Most baby boomers want to age in place themselves and they need help with caregiving.
Any affordable and user-friendly device or technology which can help them deal with these two issues will eventually o be successful.
As the Chairman of the Maui County Council and Aging, I've found a very strong interest in our community regarding aging in place with technologies.
We're going to investigate the feasibility of forming an alliance of vendors to support an educational campaign aimed at Area Agencies on Aging.
Would you be interested in participating?
Thank you,
Area agencies on Aging
I agree that area agencies on aging should be educated and would be happy to help think through the specifics in an aliance.
- Laurie