Older adults age at different rates and need different technology at various stages.
2025 scheduling underway.
Good NEWS! This week on Wednesday, you can access the 2009 Market Overview docs from this site. A download page will be presented to anyone who is willing to fill out a short contact form that we will then use to build the newsletter distribution list. If you want to comment, this blog entry will be the one to comment on.
So let's get right to the point -- why does this market overview matter?
It describes a real and viable market that is emerging now but will grow to match the need!
So go forth on Wednesday and download. Think about the material and comment. The first research report was difficult to construct -- but future ones will emerge more quickly based on building on ideas already established. This summer -- a report on health and technology in the home.
It's going to be a great year to describe and assess an emerging and exciting market.
Let's go forth and do it together!
- Laurie Orlov
Principal Analyst
Aging in Place Technology Watch