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Presto Connect -- from printing mailbox to communication platform?


Presto, the printing mailbox company has broader possibilities as a platform for caregivers to configure reminders -- as evidenced by its new service PrestoConnect. A digression: I've always admired when innovators extrapolate new markets from an initial product launch. Although this strategy doesn't always work, the history of technology has some compelling examples, often based on the actual usage of a product for purposes other than what it was originally intended. Think about the many applications for GPS or a vision of extension possibilities, like Amazon, that that the vendor can enable with help from partners.  And the aging in place market is a fertile field for extrapolation -- since those who are aging represent a rolling market -- with changing expectations over time. Vendors must be nimble and think outside of their own box, so to speak.Presto Connect offers caregivers -- that is, Boomers with aging parents -- the ability to establish recurring or one-time reminders, each of which is printed on the 'printing mailbox'. 

This is not unique -- lots of vendors are in the market of automated reminder services. So an entire set of photographs can be scheduled to print once per day -- or helpful messages can be scheduled that include shopping lists, reminders about taking medications, task lists. These are then printed on the 'printing (HP) mailbox. The mailbox printer sells for $149.99 -- undiscounted -- through online resellers like Amazon and  Best Buy as well as sites for aging in place products -- like GoldViolin and ActiveForever. The printing mailbox service is $12.50 when purchased directly from Presto. Not bad as a 'printing mailbox' service -- which can be paid for by sibling children of aging parents, assuming they get along (another topic for another time).  The PrestoConnect is value added to the printing mailbox and does not cost extra.

The jury is out on whether this printing mailbox vendor will extend its PrestoConnect service into its platform potential -- for example, linking in other devices like email appliances or cell phones -- or whether it adds more services to the website for caregivers. There is no reason why any network connected device placed in the home of a senior can't extend its website, (or fax-based connection, like Celery). These caregiver options can offer numerous scheduled many-to-one caregiver capabilities, including an emergency response button or medication reminder linkages to electronic pill boxes, or even connected motion sensors and alerts.  Call me crazy.

