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Poor design hampers their use.


Assisted living and memory care communities have a “distinct advantage.” 


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computers, broadband, and social networking


computers, broadband, and social networking

Twitter -- the arrival and departure of Twitterers (Twitter Quitters)

I admit it -- I'm in an airport. So this blog entry from CIO.com caught my eye -- and should catch the eye of those who are determined to add Twitter to their internet marketing mix.  Who knew? It turns out that 60% of Twitter users fail to return to Twitter after a month of use. Some of the nominated factors: 


Tech vendors -- aging in place market -- trying to make a difference

As I try to make sense out of the aging in place technology market, new companies or companies new to me regularly surface, contacting me or being referred by others. These vendors will make their way into the July vendor update release of the Aging in Place Technology Market Overview.  These are all launched (or in beta), but perhaps not well known in the marketplace as they could and should be.

Is technology a differentiator in retirement housing? If so what... if not, then why not?

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Vendors who should target boomers and seniors -- Part 2 in a series

Vendors never want to miss a market, inadvertantly bypassing an audience that may love to buy their products -- if they only knew more about them. So why don't vendors with great potential in boomer and senior audiences -- and even some loving customers -- try harder to make this match clearer?

It's Spring - Five tech changes to make now

It's been a long winter -- between the news, the weather, and news about the weather. As spring has sprung (or nearly so in blizzard-bombarded regions), let's think about excellent spring-time opportunities for seniors, families who care about them, and the residential environments in which they live.


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